Bellville Rock City

Bellville Rock City - Product & Campaign Design

 A product designed in association with Rhythm Records, Bellville Rock City tells the story of some of South Africa’s most infamous rock acts. All originating from Bellville, a small, notoriousely hard town just outside of Cape Town. A Fifteen year anthology is depicted in a 44 page hard cover book, a 27 minute DVD documentary and a 22 Track CD. The product rolled out with numerous events featuring a cross section of the acts who were the subject matter for the project.

Due to the price per item budget, special attention had to be made to where product highlights were made. For instance printing the cover in grayscale on fibreboard afforded the use of gold foil in the title, etc.

The design elements included the actual product along with posters, flyers, collectable trading cards, t-shirts and DVD menus.