Harley Davidson is a brand that is rich with a heritage of freedom. It’s something that makes them stand out in the motor industry. Yet they offer the exact same test drive to potential buyers as all other vehicles.
Taking this into account we reshaped something that is commonly overlooked.
By lengthening the test-drive period to 48 Hours and creating a world first, we gave consumers a true glimpse of what it’s like to get carried away with the freedom of owning a Harley. Strengthening the single most important contact point of the brand and directly increasing sales.
You can get the feeling of owning a family sedan over a lunch break,
to tame a Harley you’ll need a few days.
Radio & Prints
With the new 48 hour test period from Harley Davidson Czech Republic it’s really easy feel what it’s like to live as a Harley rider. A taste of freedom that if left to run wild can get carried away. Our long copy prints and radio focus on 3 individuals and just how carried away they got during their test drive.
2013 Golden Drum - Press Shortlist